MO Labs AI

MO Labs, founded by Pasquale D’Silva, my role was shifting our focus from solely digital offerings to a mix of digital and physical, or "phygital." During my time there, I was involved in the marketing and creative direction of MO (Metaverse Organism), an avatar character driven by a GPT backend. This app stood out for its witty and engaging conversations, laying the groundwork for the eventual development of Tenaki.

Our major leap into the physical world happened at the Computer Science New York City (CSNYC) event in March 2023. We crafted an immersive experience for MO that fascinated over 3,000 NYC high school students. Despite competition from industry giants like Google, Microsoft, and Etsy, MO was the highlight for many attendees.

After this achievement, MO Labs made the strategic decision to discontinue the product. This move led to the birth of Tenaki by Lingonberry Intelligence, signaling a fresh phase of exploration and innovation at the intersection of digital and physical interactions, informed by our journey with MO.
